Why Every Couple Should Consider a Prenup—or a Postnup

This article originally appeared on Goop.com

Plenty of couples write off prenuptial agreements as a jinx or an indicator that a marriage is uncertain. But that’s too bad, says divorce lawyer and It’s Over Easy founder Laura Wasser, who sees prenups as an opportunity to understand fully the persona...
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Prenuptial Agreements on The Rise: Millennials Grow Up and Wise Up

Written By Judith L. Poller, Esq. of Pryor Cashman LLP

Prenuptial Agreements, or “prenups” as they are often called, are legally binding contracts that couples sign prior to their marriage for the primary purpose of determining how their property will be divided or distributed in the event of divorc...

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Connecticut Premarital Agreements

Written by Connecticut Family Law Attorney Jocelyn B. Hurwitz

In Connecticut and many other states, people getting married have the ability to prepare for divorce even before they walk down the aisle. The concept might sound a bit pessimistic, but it’s actually a responsible measure to take and a he...

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#AskALawyer | Yes, You Need a Cohabitation Agreement

#AskALawyer is a new series written by lawyers exclusively for it's over easy.  This is the first installment of the series, and is written by a California Family Law Attorney.  In this article, she answers the question couples often have (or should have) before they move in together when they're no...

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From The Desk of LAW | Prenuptial Agreements 101

Written by it's over easy Founder & Family Law Attorney Laura Wasser

While it might seem odd to have an article about prenuptial agreements (PNA’s) on a website where we focus on divorce mediation, but the fact is that nothing could be more appropriate. The principles behind what a prenuptial agreem...

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