Introduction to Nesting (@abuschophd)

Written Exclusively for It's Over Easy by Ann Gold Buscho, Ph.D.

When COVID-19 began and we all were in quarantine the first time around, most people expected that this disruption would be over in a few weeks.

Many of my clients had been contemplating a separation or divorce. Janet and Jared (not th...

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Holiday Feature | A Very Nesting Christmas

Written by Featured Guest Blogger (and our friend) Beth Behrendt frequent contributor to The New York Times, mom, researcher and dynamic story teller.

Like many families across the country, we’re getting ready for Christmas at our house.

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Post-Divorce Parenting: What’s the Deal with “Nesting”?

Heard of it? "Nesting" is showing up in the media and pop culture more and more frequently – see articles in the New York PostThe Wall Street Journal, and mine in The New York Times; TV shows like Transparent and Billions, and the upcoming Splitting Up Together; even Kelly Ripa polled the audience...

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