Navigating Loneliness & Life Stage Transitions at the Holidays

Written by Dr. Danielle Delaney, Th. D.

Many call it “The most wonderful time of the year” and sometimes, it can be. But to be fair, for a large amount of people, the holidays bring a deep feeling of loss, longing, emptiness and pain. The reason? Well, society has basically banged us over the head ...

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10 TED Talks That Anyone Considering Divorce Should Watch

If you’re preparing for divorce, you might be reluctant to seek outside input. After all, a troubled marriage can be a deeply isolating experience--and every unhappy marriage is unhappy in its own unique way. No matter why you’re seeking a divorce or how certain you are of your decision, it’s wise t...

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Featured Article | The "F" Word (...the one you're scared of...)

Written By Featured Guest Blogger (and our friend) Elizabeth Winkler, MA LMFT

Fear is a common visitor as we face separation and divorce. Just the thought of the “F word” can be overwhelming and isolating. When I see clients frozen in fear, I like to turn the situation around where fear moves from b...

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