Happily Ever….After: Some Notes on Dating During and Post-Divorce

Whether the documents are signed and your marital status dissolved, or you’re recently separated and have just begun the legal proceeding, there is a change afoot. It’s called dating.

Many clients and friends dive right into the post-split dating world (some had a toe in the water before the actua...

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Physical Custody Today – The Art of Sharing

What does child custody look like in a separation/divorce scenario these days?

Obviously, this question must be answered on a case by case basis. Take a look at your kids, their ages, their specific issues and interests. Look at your spouse/co-parent, each of your living situations, career obligat...

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How To Divide It All Up?

When my ex-husband and I split in 1994 we were both 26 years old.

I had just taken the CA Bar Exam and was waiting for my results. Despite a lovely (and expensive) wedding fourteen months earlier we thought that cutting our losses, going our separate ways and chalking the whole affair up to a “sta...

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