Post-Divorce Parenting: What’s the Deal with “Nesting”?

Heard of it? "Nesting" is showing up in the media and pop culture more and more frequently – see articles in the New York PostThe Wall Street Journal, and mine in The New York Times; TV shows like Transparent and Billions, and the upcoming Splitting Up Together; even Kelly Ripa polled the audience...

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The Pros and Cons of Various Visitation/Custody Arrangements

The term "easy divorce" may seem like an oxymoron, but it is possible to end your marriage without making things difficult for you, your ex or your children. One of the best ways to do this is to keep the custody process — statistically one of the most contentious aspects of divorce — as drama-free ...

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Divorced Dad Dispatches

I made a lot of mistakes during my marriage. But the mistakes that still keep me up at night are the ones I made during my divorce.

I was married for ten years and three months – a “marriage of long duration,” as it’s called in California – after living in sin with my wife for two years before tyi...

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Physical Custody Today – The Art of Sharing

What does child custody look like in a separation/divorce scenario these days?

Obviously, this question must be answered on a case by case basis. Take a look at your kids, their ages, their specific issues and interests. Look at your spouse/co-parent, each of your living situations, career obligat...

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5 Factors Courts Consider in Child Custody Matters

You've decided that divorce is either your best option or a strong possibility, but you're worried about how it may affect your relationship and time spent with your children. Divorce is a significant life event, and it's normal to feel nervous and unsure during this time, especially when there are ...

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