Dissolution of Marriage Can Improve Parenting

Here are 5 ways to be a better parent after a divorce!

Whether it’s been a few months or a few years since you and your spouse made the choice for dissolution of marriage, maintaining a healthy relationship with your children post-divorce is probably on your mind. While it can be tough to stay activ...

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Divorce Advice For Co-Parents Who Want A Happy Halloween

Who is taking the kids trick-or-treating this Halloween? Whether you're divorced or married, not every parent is equipped to parade through festively frightening streets and imbue candy seeking with excitement. Whether you all love Halloween and went trick-or-treating as a family or you assigned the...

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5 Ways To Make Visits Count After Your Divorce

You and your ex have agreed to an uncontested divorce without lawyers and a co-parenting schedule—and you’re determined to make it work. This all may seem easier said than done, but if you’ve managed to divorce without lawyers, we think you can probably handle what comes next which, if you have chil...

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A Guide to Custody Presumption and What It Means for You

You've decided to divorce. While there's some anxiety about what the future holds, it also feels like a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders and you're ready to start stretching your new freedom wings. If you have children with your ex, however,  you're going to need to put some serious th...

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Types of Child Custody and What They Mean for You

If you and your soon-to-be ex have children together, they're likely to be one of the main focal points of your divorce process. Child custody determinations are often contentious, but they certainly don't have to be. If you're separating on friendly terms, it's possible to come to an agreement with...

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