The Effects of Divorce on Teenagers

Written by Meredith, 16

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Joint Custody & Avoiding Thanksgiving Brought Us Together

Written by it’s over easy Founder & CEO, Family Law Attorney Laura Wasser

Thanksgiving was never my favorite holiday -­‐ even before my parents got divorced. I don’t really like the food. The colors are – blah. And because all of our family lived within a 10-mile radius of our house, getting toget...

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Three Simple Ingredients to Make a Great Dinner for Your Kids

I am @divorcedadoescooking with three simple ingredients coparenting dads can grab from almost any supermarket to make a great home cooked meal for you and your kids

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Co-Parenting: 5 Tips for Dads from My Own Experience

My co-parent and I had no idea when we started sharing joint custody with our son who turned 5 and our daughter 7 ½ that we were on the cusp of a major societal shift back then.  

At the time, it was unusual for fathers to request and receive a 50-50 time split.  The usual ‘Freeman Order,’ ironicall...

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10 TED Talks That Anyone Considering Divorce Should Watch

If you’re preparing for divorce, you might be reluctant to seek outside input. After all, a troubled marriage can be a deeply isolating experience--and every unhappy marriage is unhappy in its own unique way. No matter why you’re seeking a divorce or how certain you are of your decision, it’s wise t...

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