Amicable Divorce & Co-parenting During a Global Crisis

Written by Laura Wasser, Attorney & It's Over Easy C.E.O.

Wow, that’s a title I never thought I’d type. I have been doing this for a long time (practicing Family Law not writing articles) and I often think I have seen it all, but this COVID -19 situation is a whole new bowl of unknown for navigatio...

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It Get's Better

Written By Teen Writer Asher DeBartolo Heldfond

I love animals. I always have. You know how some little kids are obsessed with space or dinosaurs? From the first minute I can remember, I read every book, saw every movie, and played every video game about animals that I could find. I memorized and r...

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The Truth About Co-parenting a Teenager

Written by Laura A. Wasser, Esq. it's over easy Founder & C.E.O.

Social media, vaping, and Ubers - more than our parents ever had to deal with.

The True Meaning of “Divide and Conquer” in the context of Co-parenting

Until recently, I had always mistakenly assumed that the phrase, “divide and conque...

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Blending Your Families?  You'd Better Come Up With A Plan

Written By Laura Cathcart Robbins

“I’ve been invited to their house for Memorial Day! I need to know; how do I do this?  How did you do this?”

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True Co-parenting Stories: My Own Experience

Written by Natasha M. Saltz, Esq.

I remember shopping for shoes as a teenager, eyeing some red velvet platforms. It was the 90’s and I was trying a new “alternative” look. The salesperson looked at the two women I was with, assuming at least one of them had to be my mother, and asked my shoe size. M...

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